Bail Bonds Direct Can Assist You with an FTA Warrant
When a person is arrested for a crime, they are released from jail with pretrial conditions. Sometimes this release is based on bail or bail bonds being paid to the court. Sometimes a person is released from jail on their own recognizance (OR). Whether bail is required or not, certain conditions are in place for pretrial release from jail. These conditions always include a promise from the defendant to show up in court for any proceedings related to the case against them. If the defendant fails to appear in court for these proceedings, they will be charged with failure to appear and an arrest warrant will be issued. This new charge is in addition to any other charges that the defendant was already facing.
Bench Warrant
A bench warrant is an arrest warrant issued by a judge. There are many reasons why a judge might issue a bench warrant, including someone’s failure to appear for a court hearing or other proceeding against them. A judge might issue a bench warrant for:
– Failing to appear in court for a trial, arraignment, or hearing.
– Failing to pay a ticket or fine.
– Failing to comply with the conditions of parole or probation.
– Failing to comply with the condition of bail.
– An indictment by a grand jury.
Bail Bonds Direct can help you find out if there is a bench warrant out for your arrest and help you clear it up before you have to do time behind bars. For assistance with bench warrants, call Bail Bonds Direct at (800) 880-8380.
FTA Bail Bonds
If you are required to appear in court for a hearing or other legal proceeding against you and you fail to do so, the judge may issue a bench warrant for your arrest for failure to appear. This FTA warrant subjects you to arrest and appearance before the judge to answer the charge of failure to appear, as well as whatever matter you were to appear for initially.
If you or someone you care about is facing an FTA warrant, Bail Bonds Direct can help. Don’t wait to be picked up on an unrelated charge and then taken to jail. Let Bail Bonds Direct and one of their licensed, professional agents help you work through the FTA bail bond process to get you released from jail before you ever have to go. For help with FTA bail bonds, call Bail Bonds Direct today at (800) 880-8380.
Failure To Appear
When a person is charged with a crime, they agree to appear for court proceedings related to that crime. Failing to appear for those court procedures may result in being charged with Failure To Appear. This new charge of failure to appear is in addition to whatever original charges the defendant was facing.
FTA Warrant
When a person is charged with a crime, they usually have the option to pay bail and get out of jail while they work through the legal proceedings against them. During this time of pretrial release, the defendant is required to comply with certain conditions, including ensuring that they appear for any court proceedings related to the charges against them. Failing to appear for any court proceedings related to their charges will result in an additional charge of failure to appear and the issuing of a bench warrant for their immediate arrest. If a person with an FTA warrant is arrested, they must appear before the judge who issued the arrest and explain why they failed to appear.
How much is a bond for failure to appear?
The cost of failing to appear can be as much as $10,000 if you were already out on bail before you failed to appear. Failing to appear can also add jail time, should you be convicted of the crimes you are charged with when you fail to appear.
Before being allowed to go free after an arrest for failure to appear, the fine for FTA will be added to whatever bail amounts are required for the original charges that caused the FTA. This amount can easily get into the tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars. For many people, the cost of bail is more than they can comfortably afford to pay.
Is a bench warrant the same as a Failure To Appear warrant?
Bench warrants are a type of warrant, where a warrant is issued “from the bench” or by a judge for someone. There are many reasons why a judge might issue a bench warrant, including someone’s failure to appear for a court hearing or other proceeding against them. A judge might issue a bench warrant for:
– Failing to appear in court for a trial, arraignment, or hearing.
– Failing to pay a ticket or fine.
– Failing to comply with the conditions of parole or probation.
– Failing to comply with the condition of bail.
– An indictment by a grand jury.
Failure to appear warrants are just one type of bench warrant. If you suspect that there may be a bench warrant against you for failure to appear or any other charge, Bail Bonds Direct can help you find out if there is a warrant and help you clear it up so that you don’t have to go to jail. For assistance with bench warrants or failure to appear bail bonds, call Bail Bonds Direct at (800) 880-8380.
Bail Bonds Direct Can Help
When a person is charged with a crime, they usually have the option to pay bail and get out of jail while they work through the legal proceedings against them. During this time of pretrial release, the defendant is required to comply with certain conditions, including ensuring that they appear for any court proceedings related to the charges against them. Failing to appear for any court proceedings related to their charges will result in an additional charge of failure to appear and the issuing of a bench warrant for their immediate arrest. If a person with an FTA warrant is arrested, they must appear before the judge who issued the arrest and explain why they failed to appear.