What Happens If You Can’t Pay Your Bail Bond
The most alarming part of failing to pay a bond is the legal risk. Failing to pay your bond fee is not a violation of the law, but it can still land you in jail. If you don’t pay the agreed-upon fee, the bond agent has every right to abandon responsibility for you. That means they don’t have to pay your bail. If bail isn’t paid, you go to jail. If you were released before the bond payment occurs, you can go back to jail. Essentially, bail is nullified if the bond agent relinquishes responsibility.
If this happens, getting out of jail becomes even more difficult. You’re still on the hook for the amount of the first agreement, even though they got out of the contract. If you need a new bond agent to get back out of jail, things get difficult.
The best course of action is to avoid this problem in the first place. Call us at 800-880-8380, bond agents work with people in tough situations every day. We can secure bail so no one has to stay in jail and so you or your loved one can move on with life.