Call Sylmar Bail Bonds DIRECT if you need immediate help.
Knowing is half the battle. This may sound cliché, but experience tells us that it’s true, at least when it comes to bailing a loved one out of jail. Our trusted agents at Sylmar Bail Bonds see it all the time.
When someone first calls us in a panic, because they’re family member just got arrested, they have a myriad of questions. Even if we took the time to answer one concern after another, it wouldn’t matter; they’re so distraught they wouldn’t be able to focus on the answer and apply it to the situation. We know that the number one priority is helping people through a crisis. Yes, we’re licensed professional bondsmen, and we’re known and respected in the industry, but first and foremost, we’re here to alleviate fear, to calm people’s worries, and to assure them of their rights.